Wednesday, 1 July 2009

As today is my birthday, I have been reflecting on age generally.
Inside my head I am the same "young" person I was when I was a teenager, only the outer casing has deteriorated somewhat! My "spirit" is still young, doesn't age, which is a reminder of and witness to the eternal nature of our spiritual lives and the thought that our spirits live forever without showing signs of decrepitude. A foretaste of the life eternal to come!
I was lucky enough to share my birthday celebrations with those of an 80 year old lady, organist at the church and member of the Friendship Club that meets there for lunch on Wednesdays. She has served the church loyally for many years and has a "young" outlook, welcoming new forms of worship and music in the services and encouraging new musicians. A wonderful example that age should not be a barrier to embracing new things and embracing change.