Thursday 20 January 2011

This morning I enjoyed a peaceful walk up to the Bellmount Tower, a "folly" in the park surrounding Belton House, a NT property near Grantham.
There was a touch of frost and it was not long before my hands and face were very cold, but the air was still, some deer were in evidence and there was an air of tranquillity.
It was very easy, in the quiet of the countryside, to connect with God. So much easier to listen for his voice there than in the busy town where the noise of the traffic blocks out the sound of the birds. It made me realise once again how important it is to make time and space to bask in God's presence and rest in him in prayer.

Wednesday 5 January 2011

We are already into January of a new year - time seems to be galloping ahead at a furious rate!
I have begun the new year with a resolution - I know, very corny! So much time spent reading and studying over the last few months has left me stiff and very "unsupple" so I have determined to exercise three times a week with the aid of a fitness dvd (in addition to the normal dog walks)
The first couple of sessions have found me stiff, inflexible and ungainly, so I am hoping for gradual improvement.
I realise that it is not enough to exercise my "spiritual" muscles if I fail to keep my physical body in shape - we need to look after the whole person!