Wednesday 22 April 2009

This last week I have been beset by computer problems. Various nasty worms had violated my life by finding their way into the PC and causing mayhem.
It made me realise how much computers have become a vital part of life. I correspond with friends over the internet, use online resources for research into everything and even read newspapers online. The weekly shop is even ordered online.
I also realised how much clutter and rubbish was on the system, so, in a way, I am rather glad to have had the opportunity to "wipe clean" the computer and restore it to factory newness. The desktop is virtually empty, the lists of favourite websites gone forever. I have the same sense of satisfaction as I have when I have sorted out cupboards and drawers and de-cluttered the garage and the shed!
We clutter up our lives with non-essential things, when really there is very little we actually need. Once we get rid of a lot of unnecessary rubbish we are in a much better position to see what really matters and what we reallycannot live without!