Wednesday, 1 April 2009

On Monday evening I witnessed a wonderful thing. Representatives from every local church in the Methodist Circuit here got together with the Leadership team to look at the future.
There was apprehension on behalf of the team. Change was inevitable, but how would the representatives react to being asked to visualise the future shape of Mission in this place? Some of the local chapels in rural locations have a tiny membership and an ageing congregation.
Those attending were divided into groups and given questions for discussion. Each group had a Circuit Steward to act as a facilitator. Questions ranged from "How do you see the Circuit looking in 10 years time?" to "What do our ministers actually do? What do they think they should do?"
The Holy Spirit certainly moved through that meeting! What an air of positivity, what a willingness to embrace change! Wonderful, positive suggestions for engaging with the community, for freeing up resources so they coukd be used where they were most needed. Above all, an absolute commitment to continuing witness, to spreading the Gospel message and to following Jesus and the knowledge that there is much work for us to do and God wants us to get on with it!