Sunday 29 May 2011

Another really warm and sunny day in Rome. This morning I went to worship at the Ponte Sant'Angelo Methodist Church, just beside the Vatican.
The visiting preacher was someone I had known over thirty years ago at university, and had not seen since graduation. He is in Rome for a week with his wife, someone I also knew at university.
This led me to wonder about the passing of time - where have all the years gone? It seems like only yesterday that I was an undergraduate and the most important thing in the world was whether or not I would pass those final exams. It also reminded me that we seem to weave in and out of lives as we journey through life. We never sever the threads that bind us all together, and occasionally, long forgotten people reappear and awaken memories we had consigned to the depths of our minds.
It was lovely to reminisce and remember the times we had all spent together, when we were young.