I have found myself increasingly drawn to the concepts of "New Monasticism" lately.
The idea of living in a community that is concerned with practical engagement with the poor, with an ethic of hospitality and sharing, being available to people in need of comfort, help or assistance and with an emphasis on a prayerful, contemplative spiritual and devotional life is very appealing. There have been "New Monastic" communities in existence since the seventies and are an antidote to the individualism and consumerism we find in society today. Life is all about relationship and we need to explore our relationships with others and with God.
I find myself increasingly drawn to contemplative prayer and have also recently started to use the Ignatian model of the Examination of Conscience in my own prayer life.
I have come to believe that deep commitment to other people and powerful theological reflection are essential if the church is to recover itslife and true witness to the world in which we live.